Members Round Table Discussion
Event Date: June 20, 2018, 1:00 pm
Members Round Table Discussion (Nestle Ireland, 330 Lake Drive, Citywest)
AAI Members Roundtable Event
Nestle have kindly offered a meeting room for the first in our series of local lunchtime roundtable discussions for AAI Members.
Any member can choose to go along but of course this particular location will be most convenient for those around Citywest, Walkinstown, Ballymount, the airport…
The idea is that we make this easy for you nip out for a short while.
Don’t worry if you can’t make it for the entire lunch break, if you can come along for even a small part of it then that would be great!
This is an opportunity for a small group of members to meet up and to discuss a couple of topics of current relevance.
Feel free to suggest what you would like to discuss by emailing
A survey link will then be mailed out to members in advance of the meeting and the 2 or 3 most popular topics will go on to the agenda for an informal chat.
Examples of topics might be something along the lines of –
• Pitching – is it time to do it differently?
• Digital – is it still a growth medium or are brands ready to revisit traditional media?
• Agency pricing – what’s the best way to equate value and hours input to work?
• Diversity and Inclusion – the hot topic of the year…. What’s your take on it? Should AAI have an initiative to celebrate it?
• What’s difficult/not working for you right now in relation to advertising/adspend?
You bring your thoughts and we’ll bring the sandwiches.
Please RSVP to before close of business on Monday 18th June 2018.
Wednesday 20th June 2018 at 1:00pm – 2:00pm