AAI Members Lunchtime Round-Table Discussion

This short (members only) meeting is part of a series of casual lunchtime round-table discussions where AAI members can chat through 2 or 3 agreed topics with a small group of other AAI members during a light lunch.

We hope you can nip out for a short while to share your views. If you can’t stay for the entire time (1-2pm) that’s no problem.

Our meeting room at Denshaw House, Baggot Street is not huge so places will be limited and available on a first registered basis.

If there are specific topics you’d like to propose for the agenda please email Su at AAI your suggestions by Friday 24th August.

At the end of August the range of proposed topics will be shared with those registered, and you vote for your prefered agenda items. The most popular will be discussed.


Register your interest at https://aaimembersdiscussion.eventbrite.ie 


Friday 7th September 2018 at 1:00pm – 2:00pm

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