We were delighted to have Larry Ryan as part of the April Toolkit Webinar on the 28th of April.
Behaviour & Attitudes undertook a wide ranging consumer, customer and promoter study, together with a global review of responses and initiatives across the music sector to help the National Concert Hall develop a safe route back to live performance in 2021. The research undertaken was used to help develop the National plan for the return to live performance across the music industry and was recently awarded a special 2021 Covid-19 Research Excellence Award by the Marketing Society of Ireland.
Larry Ryan of B&A took us through a review of the challenges and approaches involved in the study. He demonstated how it enabled the Concert Hall to emerge from the pandemic ahead of its private sector competitors and chart a trail blazing return to profitable live performance.
Larry has been a researcher of trends, themes and sectors for more than 35 years with stints at Lansdowne, MRBI and Guinness before joining B&A, where he is one of the joint owners, in 1997. He has a particular interest in studies related to popular culture/media, education, housing/development and healthcare.